According to some sociological surveys, even before the pandemic began, one in three respondents noted that their work takes place remotely. This is a normal practice for the modern world with its advanced technology. But many people think that remote work is a great option, because this way you can save time and devote it to yourself. But there are some pitfalls of “telecommuting”. How to bypass them and keep your health? And how to do it even if you have a business or you work in an office?
The Office: Expectations and Reality
There are more office workers in the provinces than in metropolitan areas and even in large cities. And it is also explained by the fact that many people get tired of the noise and rhythm of big city life and move to a quiet corner where they can devote themselves to remote work, especially if it is creative. But to those who are personally unfamiliar with freelancing, it seems that such work is a dream. You can work just a few hours a day instead of sitting in the office from 8 to 17 hours, build your own personal schedule, and most importantly – do not depend on anyone. But as soon as freelancing comes into life, frustration sets in. Sometimes it is necessary to be in touch from a certain time, with no extraneous noise, you can not be distracted, and it turns out that the working day is even longer than in the office. And if you’re even more interested in this topic, then go to Walmort and see what you can find about healthy lifestyles. Only here you will learn more about how to maintain your health!
There are also obvious disadvantages:
- Lack of separation “work – home” can cause chronic stress and even depression;
- a low-active way of life has a negative influence on health in general and can cause serious illnesses;
- peculiarities of nutrition. Many people think that if you are at home, then the diet will meet all the requirements and rules. Not so. Snacking with lots of sweets, sandwiches and other unhealthy foods will appear.
Remote work requires even more self-discipline than working in an office. After all, in this case, there is even no need to get to the office, just get up and sit down at the computer. To avoid possible negative consequences, which are not long to wait, it is necessary to follow certain rules.
Gymnastics and Exercises

Prolonged static posture, especially sitting, is a predisposing factor for numerous diseases and congestion. Urologists and gynecologists say that this is one of the causes of frequent cystitis, and their course is persistent. It is also a powerful predisposing factor for the development of infertility, not only in women, but also in men. With erectile dysfunction and prostatitis, the root of the problem may also hide in prolonged sitting at the computer.
To avoid possible negative consequences, it is necessary to follow the rules:
- Take active breaks during the working day. And not just walk to the kitchen and make yourself a coffee, but exactly walk in the park or to the store, play with the kids or at least do some household chores;
- Prolonged computer work is the cause of eye fatigue and can be a predisposing factor for dry eye syndrome and other problems. Therefore, it is important to periodically (at least two or three times a day) to do exercises for the eyes and spine: tilt and turn your head, stretching. Such actions will ensure a normal flow of blood to the head.
- Walking, even around the room, not only allows you to stay active, but also prevents congestion. Walking can be combined with talking on the phone, and if possible, combine the negotiations with light gymnastic exercises.
- it is necessary to spend as much time as possible standing and to develop a habit – 30 minutes in a sitting position, after that – active walking or just standing by the window, enjoying the view.
- Another useful habit is meditative practice. Not only will yoga keep you calm, but it’s also a great form of physical activity.
The office is not a reason to stop exercising. They can be continued at home. Fortunately there are many free applications on your phone, where you can pick up an individual set of exercises, and even without sports equipment.
Sleep, Food and Fresh Air
Good nutrition is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. And remote work is not a reason to break these rules, especially since there are more opportunities. For example, there is an opportunity not to miss an important and healthy breakfast.
But just in the “walking distance” refrigerator is a lot of problems. It has been noticed that sitting at home, even while remaining active at work, many people consume more food than when they work in the office. And this ends up in gaining extra weight. Therefore, sitting at home, you need to control your diet and drinking regime, which should be as much as possible vegetables, fruits – sources of vitamins. Do not forget about the sources of protein and fats. Rational nutrition means limiting sugar-containing drinks, salt, convenience foods and, especially, fast food. And to make it even easier for you to pay for your purchases and anything else you need for a healthy lifestyle then be sure to get yourself a credit card. Don’t know how to do it and which one? Here’s a link to find the information you need and all the benefits of the BlueBird card.
Regime of the day and adequate sleep also support health, and it is important to keep the work mode of the day: go to bed on time, and not to sit at the computer until late at night, reasoning in the spirit of “because tomorrow you do not need to get up early. Daytime sleep, but no more than 1-1.5 hours a day, will also help stimulate performance. Even if there is no such possibility, you just need to spend 20-30 minutes in a horizontal position, and the phone put away.

Bottom Line
Even without visiting the usual office, you should not forget about walks in the fresh air. Walking the dog or just visiting the park, you need to choose a longer route. If possible, it is necessary to combine walks in the fresh air and physical exercise, gymnastics.