Professional self-care usually includes salon treatments. But how to take care of yourself at home and without the help of professionals? This question is relevant not only for young girls. We collected 13 tips that will make self-care easy, simple, and effective.
1. Taking care of your figure
It is recommended to include a set of physical exercises in the weekly schedule. Add to your self-care brisk walking for every day, and other types of physical activity. If you do not know how to start taking care of yourself, just do 30 minutes of home exercises.
2. Skincare
The skin should be cleansed daily with special products. You need to consider your skin type, the likelihood of allergies. Mandatory procedure – deep hydration of the skin. Self-care for girls includes using masks, scrubs. But what to do if you have problem-prone skin? It is better to get a consultation with a professional cosmetologist who will help you to get proper products for your daily skin routine.
3. Taking care of your hands
Hands give out a woman’s age. You need to know everything about how to care for your hands properly. Hand cream should be applied in the morning and evening, and home chores should be done in gloves. Once a week you can do a hand mask and a special massage.
4. Dealing with stress
How to take care of yourself at home without much effort? Everything is very simple, and your daily self-care can begin with stress relief. Many women choose yoga and similar practices for relaxation. Taking care of yourself at home can include listening to soothing music.
5. Nail care
Healthy nails are not about length or expensive manicures. It is enough for girls to know how to take care of themselves at home. It is recommended to file nails with a glass nail file and to push the cuticle using a natural wood stick. Nail polish or length is an individual choice of each girl.

6. Makeup
How to properly use makeup? Try not to make your daily makeup too flashy. For evening makeup, choose something bolder taking into account what looks good on you. These self-care tips are relevant to all women.
7. Haircare
When taking care of the hair, it is important to wash it regularly. Different hair types require different care. For example, to take care of an oily type of hair it is recommended to wash it daily or every other day. It is important to choose the right shampoo.
8. Soft feet
To look healthy and beautiful you need to take care of your full body including your legs and feet. Legs are getting lots of stress every day: uncomfortable shoes, long walks, high heels. To get rid of calluses, you can use special creams or hot baths, which include oils, soda.
9. Beautiful eyebrows
Any tips for an everyday beauty routine should include eyebrow care as well. Ketamine nourishes hair follicles, making eyebrows thick and beautiful. It is enough to perform a 3-minute massage using castor oil.
10. Hair volume
You need to take care of yourself properly and regularly. Owners of fine hair can use shampoos and conditioners to add more volume.
11. Massage courses
Invigorating massage relaxes and soothes. Here is one tip for a relaxing daily massage you can apply easily: you can work on the chest and shoulder girdle with a tennis ball. Such daily self-care requires a minimum of time.
12. Sun protection
In the hot season, do not forget to protect your skin from UV rays. You need to take care of yourself daily to prevent skin aging. SPF 10 protection is enough for urban conditions but it is not enough for hot countries or sea vacations.
13. Face masks
How should a girl who dreams of preserving the youth of her skin take care of herself? A must-do procedure is the use of different masks. Masks can be homemade from yogurt, honey, kiwi, and other fruits.
Now you know how to take care of yourself at home and without the expensive help of professionals.